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【#DQ補給站>>UI/UX】 產品設計中,能粗略分為有形可見的「使用者介面 (UI)」,與無形的「使用者體驗(UX)」設計。兩者相輔相成,好用的產品通常都有有夠清楚介面與使用者體驗。 就像是,達美樂推出「Live Pizza Tracker」,在製作披薩時為客戶提供有關披薩的實時製作進度更新,減少客戶在等待食物期間的不耐煩;或是Netflix讓觀眾一直續訂,改善用戶體驗的一大改變是,讓用戶可以跳過節目的片頭。 如今,「顧客體驗」成了許多公司的發展重點,因此UI/UX也催生出新的職位:首席體驗長。 📚延伸閱讀》「首席體驗長」為何越來越重要:https://bwnet_tw.pse.is/TNRUA 📌工作忙,文章讀不完,商周IG幫你畫重點:https://pse.is/bwnet #UI #UX #顧客體驗

【#DQ補給站>>UI/UX】 產品設計中,能粗略分為有形可見的「使用者介面 (UI)」,與無形的...

Good news as Domino's Pizza has Pandu Ambil feature and I get to experience the service. As most of us still practice social distancing, Domino's Pandu Ambil is a new ordering experience that allow everyone to practice a good SOP. Place your orders and make payments online via Domino's website or mobile application. You can monitor your pizza process via the tracker, select Pandu Ambil and key in your vehicle information. Then drive up to the nearest store and receive orders almost immediately by just tapping on a single button.🍕 No hassle of waiting and you can collect your pizza immediately. #DominosMY #pizza

Good news as Domino's Pizza has Pandu Ambil featur...